Saturday, December 22, 2007


I must confess I'm not enough of a techno-geek to have much of an idea what the foregoing entry means. What I was trying to do was to get this modest enterprise included in a ring of Pennsylvania anthracite coal region websites, mostly for the shameless purpose of promoting my new novel, but also to keep in touch with like-minded authors and readers in this rather arcane (to put it mildly) field. Well, while I'm at it, I wish all my faithful readers the happiest of Christmases (I know the ACLU hates this word, but screw them, this is MY blog) and a tranquil and prosperous new year. Here's a little present, from the heart: SUNSET, WINTER SOLSTICE Slanting sunlight streams through crystal ether Then beams upon my pendant prism From where it touches the smoky ridge In the west. On impact it Fractures! Into all its bits and pieces, as if to replace in part Colors autumn has leached from the landscape. If this sight were sound, I imagine, I would hear the Ting! Of cut glass struck, Or a soprano silver chime. Before the sudden darkness We seize and carry the sky's flame, A million points of light, Flame and fire, candles, incense, Into the back of the cave: Chanting, we come in together from the starlit cold. And so we grasp the darkest time of year And boldly, stubbornly, make it bright. Best wishes to all my friends for a productive and lyrical 2008!

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