Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Retirement Dinner

Now that my retirement nest egg has gone completely rotten, thanks to those Wall Street Masters of the Universe and greedy CEOs, I've had to throttle back my plans for a lavish, festive retirement dinner. Here's a photo from our local paper's society section, taken at a downtown welfare soup kitchen. Now I've taken up residence in a stove crate under a nearby railroad bridge. Always dreamed of retiring to a place near the water.


Wes Loder said...

Glad you are finally adding something. It has been a bit of a dry spell I think.
Where did you gain the dark hair?

Clem said...

Glad to see you looking in once in a while, Wes. Actually, that isn't really me in the picture. It's one of my dear old Navy shipmates at a Halloween party in 1968.

Wes Loder said...

Actually, I check your blog at least every other day. I trust that you do the same for mine. Cheers, WES