Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Adventures of Jim and Jill

My friends Jim and Jill are a couple who have mastered the art of easy living; not everyone would drive from Reading, PA to New York just to get a doughnut, or to Somers Point, NJ just to get some seafood, or to Ocean City, MD just to get "a crab." Or to Boston just to hear a Celtic fusion band called Dropkick Murphys. On top of all that, Jim is the ace of kitchen quarterbacks. As he puts it, he does all the work of preparing the food until the guests arrive; then he pours a drink, sits down and barks out orders to everyone else in the room to get the food on the table. Truth to tell, Jill is actually the one who keeps things organized, but she has the vital spousal knack of letting the old man think he's the brains behind the operation.Yesterday it was corned beef, colcannon, cabbage, potatoes, a pasta dish and a full bottle of John Jameson's Irish whisky. Happy Saint Paddy's Day to all, and thanks to Jim and Jill for a dining adventure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that when you left the party that Jameson bottle had run its course. When asked of Curmudgeonson, "Have you had to much to drink?" He said, "No, I've keeping an eye on how much I've had to drink." I didn't have the heart to tell him I kept filling his glass when he wasn't looking....