Monday, September 7, 2009

My No. 1 Girl Friend -- No Kidding; Cross My Heart And Hope to Die

It took some doing, but I am now blessed with a life companion who understands me -- not an easy task, believe me. A couple of days ago, she noticed I was howling, beating my chest, and posting a parade of photos of some women who played minor roles in my past life (well, they're minor now, having passed into whatever they've passed into). The rolling pin stayed in the kitchen drawer, and the back-seat driving became only a wee bit more shrill. Anyway, here she is -- living proof that the trial-and-error method works. After a lot of false starts, here's the one that worked...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well its about time we got to number one. She's a keeper, so behave yourself old man.

Your bro.