Sunday, June 6, 2010


IF YOU drive a car in traffic, you've seen these little emblems people put on their cars, to say something about themselves. Most often, these are the initials of places the car owner has visited, and found recreationally meaningful or significant, or initials of a college attended or some other talisman. This is one of those little find-the-image-that-doesn't-make-a-bloody-bit-of-sense tests. Please look over the following (this is dead easy, trust me) images, and find the one that doesn't make a bloody bit of sense. Have fun!

Now, we all know this is the ubiquitous "Outer Banx" (huh?) status symbol. This means the driver of the car in question and his/her family (if any) has/have spent time in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and that he/she/it/they can't spell. This one tells us the driver's status involves time spent at a lovely community on the South Jersey seashore. At least this driver knows how to spell the name of his/her/its/their particular vacation Shangri-La.

NOW, for the one that doesn't make a bloody bit of sense...

WHAT??? This is one crazy-ass message. What is/are this person(s) saying?? I spend my vacation at the ORTHODONTIST?? I spend so much money on my orthodontist I can't afford a vacation at OBX or SIC? I have a whole lot of status and you should kiss my ass because I spend money at the orthodontist? I'm providing free advertising for my orthodontist because he/she's charging me out the ying-yang for teeth-straightening?

I'd be most obliged if some reader could explain this puzzle to me....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Funny!